Nbusiness street smart vs book smart debate

What are some qualities of street smarts and academic. Intelligent people are sometimes street smart because. As someone who is really book smart, i desperately wish i was more street smart and at this point in my life would be willing to trade my book smarts for street smarts. Some intelligent people are not educated to a higher level. Mark twain book smarts vs street smarts is as intense of a battle as the current presidential election.

Book smart vs street smart nz herald new zealand herald. Why are book smart people considered as nerds many times, in a derogatory manner and street smart people considered as imaginary smart. To see the essays introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Tomas chamorropremuzic, hr examiner editorial advisory board contributor.

Book smart people are wellread and possess a wealth of knowledge. They were smart enough to bring in eric schmidt to be chairman and ceo when the business took off. Im just lonely and the world terrifies me and i just want to feel like i have more of a place in it. I always hear people refer to others as either having book smarts or street smarts. This distinction is a direct challenge by the youth to the dominant discourse of smartness or book smarts as it operates in schools.

Gerald graff is an english professor at the university of illinois and has written many books. Growing up, i was very street smart but not so book smart. Now, while having such book smarts benefits the entrepreneur greatly, what is even more valuable for him or her is street smarts. Sep 10, 2017 the general definition of book smart is someone who is intelligent and very well educated academically. Honestly, having one without the other tends to make a person appear to be unintelligent. The debate over higher education for american police officers began as early as 1829 when robert peele made reference to the. The sample essay on book smart vs street smart essay deals with a framework of researchbased facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. The author claims that people are better off if they are more street smart than book smart. To be street smart, you have to spend time on the streets. Intellectualism by gerald graff is street smarts versus book smarts. Jun, 2009 i always hear people refer to others as either having book smarts or street smarts. Balance of street smarts and book smarts is very important to thrive in our world. Usually, people considered to be book smart are known as lacking in street smarts, and vice versa.

According to my opinion i feel street smarts are much better than book smarts. Book smarts refer to the education, schooling and other kinds of knowledge that one has acquired. Jun 18, 2014 why street smarts always win out over book smarts when it comes to success. That puts you in contact with unsavory characters, the kind that typify the hustler that embodies the negative version of that word. Book smart vs street smart essay research paper example. Book smart people have usually studied hard to reach their level of knowledge.

Book smarts in academia 28 words 6 pages our society has always had an obsession with labels whether in the form of fashion, our description of personal relationships, or the way we see ourselves as individuals. In reality there is zero difference between the two. Street smarts vs book smarts, the epic debate continued. Apr 29, 2018 2 thoughts on street smarts vs book smarts scolon april 29, 2018 at 6. Ive always wondered in the back of my mind what the actual outcome of this would be, so i was pretty excited when i saw your title.

And if youre street smart and not book smart, then read a goddamn. On the face of it the terms book smart and street smart simply differentiate between people who went to univ shelley bridgeman. We all know people who are book smart but clueless in the real world, and those who are street smart but unable to handle any environment other than the one theyre used to. In other words, is it more important to have high academic qualifications or savvy industry experience. Book smart is simply describing that the person as generally intelligent, well educated and do well academically. Ultimately, book smarts is doing business in africa.

While which one is more helpful can be a matter of debate and also depends on the context, it is generally seen that street smarts weigh more on the. Being street smart means having interest in other activities more than in school work, while being book smart is the complete opposite of that. Having book smarts allows us as human beings to make our society and better and more educated people. Tomas chamorropremuzic, editorial advisory board, leadership, learning, talent management, by dr. And those skills are much more important than being book smart. The general definition of book smart is someone who is intelligent and very well educated academically. During the leadership camps which we conduct for teenagers, we often ask campers which they think is more important. Street smarts trump book smarts if you want to get seriously rich. Why street smarts always win out over book smarts when it.

Theyre experts at recalling, recognizing, and analyzing information. Book smart people dont seem to care as much about money. Learn the five mistakes that you cant afford to make in college. Last season the apprentice was based on this dichotomy, pitting a team of people with higher education against a team whose members had less formal education. In the business and management field, smartness is defined by the business. However, ive also been around long enough to have developed my own technique for spotting trouble. Just to set an example in regardings to the topic, when the economy comes down to a threat where individuals will be drafted to war, street smarts will doubt less and think of strategies in order to survive through the battlefield,while on the other hand book smarts are. In 2006, when five hundred dropouts were interviewed, they gave many reasons for leaving school. What is the difference between common sensestreet smarts. The youth made key distinctions between being book smart vs.

The world is full of people who are either book smart or street smart. Yes, ill admit that at one time, i thought book smart was the only way to be. We string them into jewels or into tinware, as we may choose. It is from experiences such as mine that we get our education of life. Someone who is intelligent, learns well, and educated very well academically. For many people, there is no difference between smart and intelligent, because the.

Whether it comes to dumping the fiance you know isnt right for you or. He states, the need to prove i was smart and the fear of a beating if i proved it too well. If you want more than average out of life then you need to be street smart, you need to get in touch. Thbt being street smart is better than being book smart. Graff says that knowledge goes far beyond academic learning and continues into our everyday living. But sometimes rules mean nothing on the mean streets of african business. Generally, people who are not book smart ie didnt go to school, arent particularly good at any subject, etc etc try and make themselves feel better by claming that people who actually are smart arent street smart like them. But there may be some moments when i lose hope for the latter to happen when i also see my dh not being able to figure out how to work out little things like a simple can opener. Yes street smart allows you to stay safe but that doesnt always turn out great there are people everywhere who continue to get hurt even though they know how to stay safe. Charles schwab, both the man and the fullservice brokerage that bears his name, had an extremely busy 2019. Go get an apartment, or reach for a more challenging job. Street smart person can write books but book smart can not become str. Is a college education overrated in the business world.

Now, its time for words and their stories from voa learning english. Advisory board, leadership, learning, talent management, by dr. In this topic you will read book smart and street smart winners as. If everything you know comes out of a book, then you tend to not understand the world at large and how societies operate.

Characterized by their love of learning, book smart people are organized and prepared for any situation. The stereotype of a streetsmart person is someone who knows how to handle. Whereas, street smarts refers to the experiential knowledge on things. There is no doubt in my mind street smarts kicks book smarts. May 23, 20 street smarts trump book smarts if you want to get seriously rich. This is an epic topic that has been debated for ages, but there is no right answer.

Using your intelligence effectively in college by frozenflan on january 31, 2014 its the question weve all had in our minds as soon as our brains were capable of thought. Can someone possibly have a high amount of both book and streets smarts if so, name the person and. Sep 08, 2015 but as for book smarts and street smarts, why does one have to be better than the other. In the article, hidden intellectualism, gerald graff discusses the topic of book smart versus street smart. Street smart the psychology of good and bad judgment. Street smarts vs book smarts, the epic debate continued growing up, ive never really been book smart. Everything about the books we had in school disgusted me.

What do you call people who are book smart, but not street. Book smart people are frequently educated to a high level. While intelligence has been defined in many different ways including as ones capacity for logic, understanding, selfawareness, learning, emotional knowledge, planning, creativity, and problemsolving. Essay on street smarts versus book smarts 706 words. You have a good head on your shoulders, and as long as you trust your instincts, you know youll be fine in this world. Feb 12, 2014 being smart is much more important then being street smart. Thats not often very popular to say because we still enjoy fighting fire, responding to calls, and getting the adrenaline rush. Street smart versus book smart in his article hidden intellectualism, gerald graff criticizes those that do not put value into street smarts. Street smarts vs book smarts talking about thinking. When you are street smart, youre able to keep yourself out of trouble by.

It solely is a theoretical understanding of facts or ideas. Being street smart isnt gonna get you into college, it isnt going to get you good grades in school being in the street will only get you two places, either in jail or in a cold room with a corner, not to sound harsh or anything that just how it is. I know im not the most street smart person in the world so im sure many others will have more specific tips on how to spot someone whos bad news. Youll never hit the street smart plateau while under the comfort of mommy and daddy. The street smart superrich credit the book smart for their mastery of a sophisticated topic, which is why they hire these. The ideal situation is street smart thinking accompanied by a book smart approach. Sep 05, 20 well, lets broadly define being booksmart as just being proficient in some areas of knowledge, without implying anything else. If you are street smart than all you know is the streets. Doing it successfully will mean securing a good deal and forming a new partnership for the future. However, the underlying idea is that the person deals with situations especially bad or difficult situations from an intellectual d. You get street smarts when people try to take advantage of you, when they try to bully you, or when they try to bamboozle you. Street smart can keep you safe as they can handle problems very. Being street smart beats being book smart any day of the week. On this program we talk about words and expressions that we use in everyda.

Being book smart is better than being street smart. While book smarts arguably make us human, street smarts are what. The authors is very persuasive using real life examples. Why being street smart is better than being book smart. You may not have done the best on quizzes or term papers, but you are very observant and perceptive person. In this blog article, i will share my personal bout with both topics and show you the best conclusion that i came to.

I mean, getting a degree is what will get you into a good career. In real life, its harder to say who comes out on top. Dec 14, 2005 in the end, though the street smart folks made an impressive showing, it was a book smart contestant who walked away with the prize. Why you need to be street smart, not book smart better. If youre book smart and not street smart, then get out in the freaking world. I believe i am more street smart but there is a balance that we wold like to achieve. For many people, there is no difference between smart and.

On the other hand, book smart people rely more on tried and tested strategies. You cant get a good paying job without book smarts and a degree, but where you work and how you communicate with people in that environment can be greatly affected if you dont have street smarts. A shrewd ability to survive in a dangerous urban environment. Street smart the psychology of good and bad judgment on november 10, 2015, in dr. Cricket vs other games in india umeedon wali dhoop valentines day what it means to you. What is the difference between book smart and street smart. Some people are book smart, whereas others are street smart. My sister got a 4,0 gpa through undergrad and her masters program. What do you think is more important in life, being book. Jan 24, 2018 i love the opportunity to answer this question, but most people arent going to like the answer. The ladies of the real share their views, in this girl chat.

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